St. Michael Catholic Church and School is a faithful Roman Catholic community in St. Michael, Minnesota.
Our core purpose is to draw people into deeper discipleship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We make and support disciples through authentic hospitality, prayer, formation and service—actively inviting, evangelizing, teaching and loving those people who are already engaged in the communal life of our church, as well as everyone in the broader community regardless of background or belief.
To the best of our ability, we strive to display:
St. Michael Catholic Church, like every parish in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, is a civil corporation under Minnesota law. The Board of Directors of each Parish Corporation consists of the Archbishop and the Vicar General, the Pastor, and two lay Trustees selected by the Pastor and approved by the Archbishop and the Vicar General. The Board of Directors have the authority and responsibility to oversee the business of the Parish Corporation.
The Board of Directors of the Church of St. Michael, St. Michael, MN, are:
The Parish Finance Council is a body mandated by the Code of Canon Law. The Council is comprised of lay parishioners appointed by the Pastor. It does not have decision-making authority, but is responsible for providing advice and consultation to the Pastor on the administration of parish finances.
Our current Finance Committee members are: